- Your Learning Universe
Egurucool is the coolest guru on the net. It caters to the needs of any student whether in the V th standard or whether in std. XII. The site has a useful section on Careers and also possesses pages on IIT and Medical Entrance Coaching. The objective tests can be downloaded and then uploaded later for evaulation. The trivia, news, organisations, message board etc. make the site very friendly and attractive. You have to register first. But registration is free and you can even win a funky Parker pen if you are lucky!
Highly Recommended
on the Web - from Aban Technologies
Launched recently, it offers animated textbooks for various classes. The site looks good. It caters to the needs of parents and teachers also through its PTA section. A more detailed review soon. Registration is free and easy. But I had a few problems at times.
Very useful for students for the Secondary school students
This site does not offer you much in terms of academic matter like text books and tests. But the Education Calender is a very necessary tool to keep track of all the entrance exams and deadlines. The site also features news from the field of education, career guidance, counselling etc. There is also good section on Education Abroad including GRE, SAT testing. There are new articles on various science topics, scientists etc. every week.
Education Calender is a MUST visit for anyone in X or XII.
Edurite -
The Right Way to Learn
A recently launched site. It contains many useful sections. The site mainly concentrates on the Karnataka Common Entrance Exam. It even offers an IBM PC as prize to the topper in its online test. The interface is good.
Recommended for all student of Std. XI and XII. A must visit for anyone in Karnataka! provides a lot of info on Vidya or learning. The site features a good intereface in addition to a very useful education calender (somewhat better than the ETH Education portal one, I felt). The best part about the site is that it offers books for sale and that too some at 50% discount!!! It's incredible!
Check it out for enriching your Vidya!
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