<-- H O M E
List of Publications
Dilip Antony Joseph
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
- Dilip Antony Joseph, B S Manoj, C Siva Ram Murthy, ``The Interoperability of Wi-Fi Hotspots and Packet Cellular Networks and the Impact of User Behaviour'', submitted to ICC 2004, Paris. [icc2004.pdf]
- Dilip Antony Joseph, Mukesh Mohania, Manoj Kumar, Manish Bhide, Ajay Gupta, Mukul Joshi,``Defining Data Administration and Operational Policies at the Business Object Level for E-Governance Applications'', to appear in the proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Governance, New Delhi, December 2003. [iceg2003.pdf]
- Dilip Antony Joseph, ``An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering using XML'', Proceedings of ITPC 2003 (International Conference on Information Technology - Prospects & Challenges in the
century, Kathmandu, May 2003 [itpc2003.pdf]
- Dilip Antony Joseph, M Vidyasagar, Sharmila Mande, ''Highly Trained Neural Network Predictors'', CASP5 Method Abstracts [casp5.pdf]